Sunday, May 9, 2010

Still alive...for now

Well, it's been awhile. :)

Since my first posting I have been waiting for my little seedlings to pop up and for some they definitely have...others not so much. Looks like my zucchini and green onions have taken off and were getting to big for their britches in the house so I planted them outside a few days ago.

The next plan of action is to wait for the remaining seedlings to mature a little bit more before moving them outside which are the peppers (which took forever to start sprouting), parsley and the cilantro. But as for the basil and rosemary, I am surprisingly back to square one for those. They both started growing but then pretty much right after they were going down hill. I contribute this to the pot they were in and the lack of drainage it had. But I have more seed left and will plant directly outside to see if they will be successful that way.

Both the Hubs and I worked on separate projects today in the yard. The Hubs worked on the side of the house where the remaining vegetables will be planted, which I plan on doing tomorrow night after we get some compost to put down over the top soil after work. Thanks to the Hubs for all his hard work and getting this part done before he leaves for training for work in which he won't be back for about a month! :(

My project consisted of the front of the house, where we did most of the work last weekend with removing a portion of the sod by our front light and replacing with dirt and flowers to make it 1) have more curbside appeal and 2) easier to mow around! Today we got the remaining plants and shrubs for the area to make it complete. There are also dahlia bulbs that were planted but won't be coming up for a while, hence the bare dirt spots.

There is one more spot that the Hubs and I wanted to update which is located on the opposite side of the driveway where there is a few electrical boxes (?) that we wanted to "hide" because they are not very pleasing on the eyes. The shrubs that we chose will be getting taller and wider to eventually help with this.

Well here is to some hard work over the last couple weekends but it certainly pays off! And good luck to me to maintain all this (and mowing the lawn) over the next month all by myself! I think even the pup is tired from all the work too...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well here I go...

Since last summer when I realized it was too late in the season to plant vegetables, I made it a goal to do it right in 2010! I want to make it clear that I am NOT a "green thumb" and may even be the farthest from it. Any plant that crosses my path seems to be doomed from the beginning. This is due to a lack of a couple key components though, the knowledge (even as simple as "how much water is too much?") and time to care for them (which isn't much, I know).

So here I go to tackle something that is completely new to me and ready to get "down and dirty" with this new hobby.
Today, I planted some vegetables that I will be growing inside for the next 6-8 weeks. From the minimal reading I have done about growing vegetables, this way the plants have a chance to grow stronger and not have to deal with the cool nights that the northwest seems to have for most of the spring. I guess you want to avoid any frosts that may occur and could possibly kill the plants especially when the plants are so young.

The few vegetables and herbs I planted were, cilantro, basil, rosemary, parsley, jalapenos, bell peppers, zucchini and green onions. I will plant snap peas, cucumbers and tomatoes down the road.